Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Eternal University has adopted 5 nearby Panchayats of Baru Sahib and 10-15 Villages are covered under these 5 Panchayats. Akal College of Agriculture helps the local farmers in many ways as Sirmour has a very high proportion of small and medium farmers with least knowledge of recent farming techniques. Eternal University is providing Plant Health Clinics and Soil Testing lab support along with the demonstration of various new and advanced farming techniques by using which lifestyle of the farmers can be upgraded. Activities like Kisan Melas are conducted to demonstrate to villagers about various new farming techniques and new varieties available in the market which can benefit farmers more.

Various Healthcare programs are conducted by Akal College of Nursing and Centre for Public Health and Healthcare Administration to increase the health Standard of the villagers. Programs like Free Medical Camps, Healthcare Awareness Programs, Swacchta Abhiyans, and Seminars etc. are conducted. Akal College of Engineering & Technology has Established Cloud Based Digital Resource Centres in two Such Panchayats where All Digital facilities are available at either no cost or at very low cost. Lease line has been provided in these two Panchayats along with 5 Computers to Learn Computers with power backups.

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