Child Labour

Creating awareness among young minds. There is no reason, there is no excuse, Child labour is Child Abuse. World Day against Child Labour was introduced in 2002 by the International Labour Organisation.o ,it is important to teach not only children ,also parents that child labour is a big crime. The students from Pre-Nur to K.G. actively participated in these activities and wondrously showcased.

Amazingly , the enthusiasm among the participants was worth watching. This activity was like an extravagance for the little painters and the spectators as well, as they have used their brilliance of painting blended with the perceptions displayed on the painting sheets-Poster Making The students of Grade Ist and IInd participated in Poster making activity with a lot of passion. The response of the students was very encouraging. The students made beautiful and creative posters. This activity aimed at promoting creativity .

Our young innovators showcased their skills with great zeal and excitedly expressed their ideas. The objective of this activity was to aware students against child labour.