World No Tobacco Day

On May 30, 2019, the Master’s students of Akal College of Nursing came together to celebrate World No Tobacco Day at Civil Hospital Rajgarh. This special day was dedicated to raising awareness in both the community and the hospital about the hazards of tobacco use. Under the guidance of Assistant Professor Ms. Simarjot Kaur from the Department of Community Health Nursing at Akal College of Nursing, the students prepared a brief but impactful speech and conducted a panel discussion centered around the theme “Tobacco & Lung Health.”

Recognizing that educating people is synonymous with educating the community and, ultimately, the nation, these enthusiastic Master’s students embarked on their mission to spread awareness. With their informative speech and engaging panel discussion on the critical topic of “Tobacco & Lung Health,” they successfully engaged the staff of Civil Hospital Rajgarh and the local community in Rajgarh.

Their efforts on World No Tobacco Day serve as a testament to their commitment to public health and community well-being. By sharing knowledge and insights, they aimed to contribute to a healthier and tobacco-free future for all.